To determine the application.
Tracy Ranger presented the report.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Mr Liam Lunn-Towler, the agent and Mr Jerrom, the applicant. Mr Lunn-Towler stated that the proposal is for 2 frontage plots within the lowest flood risk zone in the central and built form of Manea and the site is located on the same road as the village hall. He explained that a footpath will serve the frontage to allow for a sustainable walk into the village services and facilities and including a 25-minute walk to the train station.
Mr Lunn-Towler stated that the officers have said that the previous application was refused based on the example site plan at the time, however, the principle of having dwellings on the land is supported by officers. He explained that since the previous refusal he has visited the example site plan layout to reflect the officers’ comments at the time and the site plan before officers is an example because the application before the committee is an outline application and it is only the access which is being committed, with the dwelling, design and site layout including the elevations of the properties being subject to a later detailed application.
Mr Lunn-Towler explained that the proposed new access would enhance the visibility for number 12 to improve highway safety and the access is supported for the application by Highways Officer. He added that the application provides the opportunity for 2 family dwellings with large gardens in Manea and it makes good use of land and, in his view, it will make a good contribution to the local distinctiveness and character of the area.
Mr Lunn Towler referred to an application recently approved in School Lane, a back land dwelling to the rear of 22c, which is located on the same side of the road as the application site before the committee, which is only 9 houses away and is to the west of the application site and was approved by the committee against the officer’s recommendation 8 months ago. He referred to that application and explained that it was also in outline form and only committed access, reference F/YR24/0194/O, making the point that it was very similar to the application before the committee.
Mr Lunn-Towler added that he has worked with officers on this application and, in his view, it will make a positive addition to the area and will support the existing services and facilities in Manea including the village and train station.
Members asked Mr Lunn-Towler and Mr Jerrom the following questions:
· Councillor Sennitt Clough stated that there appears to be a number of comments with regards to drainage and she asked how the drainage issue is going to be dealt with? Mr Lunn-Towler stated that the foul drainage will be connected to the mains sewer within the road and with regards to the surface water it is likely that it will go to soakaways in the gardens although that is not confirmed at this stage. He made the point that ideally some sort of water butt would be incorporated in the first instance so that the householder could use the water in their garden and then run off into crates, however, if the soakaway system is not an option then a different system will have to be considered.
· Councillor Marks stated that the application site is located within his ward, and he has reviewed the application and listened to the presentation, however, it is his opinion that officers have made the correct recommendation. He expressed the view that he is very concerned regarding parking and it is out of character for the rest of School Lane, and he can foresee a number of issues. Councillor Marks added that at Christmas there were vehicles parked on the other side of the road, and he explained that the refuse freighter already struggles to get access down there. He made the point that School Lane does have flooding issues further down and, in his opinion, the application goes against what the street scene is, and he asked what efforts can be made to overcome that. Mr Lunn-Towler stated that with regards to the street scene, the eaves height and internal headroom could be reduced, which would still mean it was habitable and still in character with the existing property which is so much lower, with Mr Jerrom’s internal height being 2.2metres which is already quite narrow but it would be ideal to push it up higher to prove the quality of the design of the properties but that is something that would need to be looked at. He explained that the elevations could even be stepped because the property on Mr Jerrom’s land is so much shorter than the rest of them and on the opposite side of the road it copies a similar design where there is the same kind of height, eaves, detail and brick and the properties could be of a similar character to that. Mr Lunn-Towler referred to the flooding of School Lane and there would need to be some investigation with regards to how that can be overcome, however, he made the point that the site falls away from School Lane and, therefore, there is no run off from the land directly into it and channel drains could be incorporated along the frontage in order to capture the water and put that into the soakaways into the garden so that. He made the point that he trying to propose frontage plots, and the parking arrangements could be revised in a different way so that the properties pull in and are in tandem or include a car port attached to the property. Mr Lunn-Towler explained that there are many different ways that the layout could be explored and revised, and it would be something that the agent for the application would have to explore further in the future but he has tried to design the dwellings in as straightforward way as he can, referring to the back land property which was trying to hide the vehicles at the back of it. He stated that realistically he would not wish to bring the properties that close to the road in an ideal situation and he would like to keep the properties as set back as possible.
· Councillor Marks stated that if there was only one property then it would be possible to go to the side without bringing the properties closer to the road. Mr Lunn-Towler stated that he agrees, and he made the point that the application is for up to 2 dwellings and, therefore, the proposal could be just for one dwelling. He added that if it was concluded that the second property could not be achieved to make space for parking then that would have to be the case, and the garden space would form part of Mr Jerrom’s land.
· Councillor Marks asked Mr Jerrom whether there is the intention for members of his family to move on to the site or is he looking to let or sell the dwellings? Mr Jerrom explained that he is 75 and his wife is 74 and has mobility issues, the site measures two thirds of an acre and when he first moved there it was an ideal property for his family, however, the house is now becoming too much for them and they wish to downsize and move away in order to give other people the same opportunity that his family had 44 years ago. He added that in those 44 years he has never known any episodes of flooding on School Lane. Councillor Marks stated that he has attended School Lane with pumps when the road has flooded.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Marks expressed the view that the development is too much on a very small site and it does not fit in with the street scene. He added that there are flooding issues within Manea let alone School Lane and he would anticipate parking issues as 2 and 3 bedroomed properties bring an associated number of vehicles with them. Councillor Marks made the point that the officer’s recommendation is correct, and he cannot support the application.
· Councillor Sennitt Clough stated that there appears to be a difference of opinion with regards to the flooding. She made reference to the officer’s report and stated that there is going to be overshadowing, and she does not feel that there is going to be enough space. Councillor Sennitt Clough added that if there is flooding then the additional dwellings will add to the flooding and drainage issues which are already affecting School Lane.
· Councillor Imafidon stated that the Parish Council are objecting to the proposal as the block paving is not permeable and that effects the discharge of wate, with the report also referring to issues with drainage provision and insufficient parking provision. He referred to the presentation screen and made the point that it does appear to him to be an overcrowded site, and the turning area is not achievable, and he cannot support the application.
Proposed by Councillor Marks, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.
(Councillor Marks registered, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a member of Manea Parish Council but takes no part in planning)
(Councillor Marks stated that when he undertook a visit to the site, he was approached by the applicant and had a brief conversation, however, he is not pre-determined and will approach the application with an open mind)
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