To determine the application.
Gavin Taylor presented the report.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Shanna Jackson, the agent. Mrs Jackson explained that the application seeks outline planning permission for up to 2 dwellings and members will recall an application for residential development on land to the south east of site where it was resolved to grant planning permission on the basis that the proposal would not harm the character of the countryside and that it would make a positive contribution to the distinctives of the area upon the entry into Chatteris. She explained that she is the agent acting on behalf of that application and the submission of the conditions discharge application is imminent and with a view for the plots to be sold and reserved matters submitted.
Mrs Jackson expressed the view that in much the same way as the neighbouring application the proposal will make a positive contribution to the approach into Chatteris, and it presents an opportunity site to provide bespoke high-quality houses which sets the scene on the approach into the town. She made the point that the site feels like the last puzzle piece in terms of the approach into Chatteris on this side of the highway with the natural end of the development being defined by Highfield Lodge to the rear and the parameters of the existing paddock, with the scheme comprising a logical addition to the area and would enhance the immediate setting by allowing the opportunity to provide high quality homes.
Mrs Jackson stated that there are no technical objections to the proposal and, in her view, the only issue is there being a matter of interpretation as to whether the development would comprise urbanisation and sprawl. She expressed the view that in much the same way as you consider the site to the southeast the proposal would not harm the character of the countryside and would make a positive contribution to the distinctiveness of the area upon the entry into Chatteris.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Mrs French expressed the view the officers have made the correct recommendation of refusal. She added that the proposal will totally destroy the outlook of the farmhouse which is already there.
· Councillor Marks stated that he agrees with the point made by Councillor Mrs French, and he made reference to the approval given by the committee for the last scheme there and at that time members agreed that there would no further development there. He added that it appears to be sprawling out further and further and the farmhouse is located way back and has been a farmhouse for its entirety, and it had a reason to be there as a farmhouse. Councillor Marks stated that as you go further round there is another farmhouse which stands back on quite a site as well and he made the point the speed limits have been reduced but there have been recent bad accidents along there. He stated that there are quite a few issues in the locality which is why he would be hesitant to even consider the proposal, and, in his view, officers have made the correct recommendation.
· Councillor Benney made the point that by putting houses in front of the farmhouse, it detracts from the farmhouse and whilst he does like to see nice houses on the approach to a village or a town there does need to be a limit and there cannot be development right up to the river. He concurred with the points made by Councillor Marks when the previous application was approved, members had stated that there would be no more dwellings allowed in the vicinity, and he thinks that should still be the case.
· Councillor Sennitt Clough referred to Policy LP16d of the Local Plan, making the point that it does not make a positive contribution in her opinion.
· Councillor Imafidon stated that he concurs with the views of members.
Proposed by Councillor Imafidon, seconded by Councillor Mrs French and agreed that the application be REFUSED as per the officer’s recommendation.
(Councillor Benney registered, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a member of Chatteris Town Council but takes no part in planning)
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