Agenda item

Land North of 22C School Lane, Manea
Erect 1 x dwelling (outline application with matters committed in respect of access) involving the demolition of existing garage

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall stated that the application is for a detached bungalow within the built-up form of Manea and the officer’s report makes reference to tandem development and this form of development is immediately adjacent to the application site. He added that there is tandem development immediately adjacent to the village hall and on the opposite side of School Lane there are numerous areas of tandem development.


Mr Hall stated that within the executive summary it states that there is not a strong building line along School Lane and referred to the presentation screen, explaining that the site is clearly within the built-up form of Manea and directly to the west on the left-hand side, in his opinion, tandem development is clearly visible. He made the point that on the opposite side of School Lane, all of the area has been developed over the last 25 years, with behind the application site, Scholars Close is located, and that was built out seven years ago and was previously open Fen land but, in his opinion, the application site is sandwiched by residential development.


Mr Hall explained that as the proposal is for a bungalow it would ensure that there are no concerns regarding overlooking or overshadowing and the officer’s report also states that there would be no adverse impact on neighbouring amenity areas. He made the point that in the officer’s report it explains that there is one support letter from Orchard Close in Elm, however, he stated that this is incorrect and should state Orchard Close in Manea which is to the south of School Lane, with all of the support letters being from people in Manea who have raised various points including the fact that School Lane is not a through road and the north side has been neglected in terms of development compared to the south side, with the application also being located in Flood Zone 1.


Mr Hall expressed the opinion that both the existing bungalow and the proposed bungalow would have a third plot area as per the Local Plan and in the officer’s report at 9.9 it states that the application site incorporates a substantial amount of land which currently serves 22c and, therefore, in his view, it is quite a large site. He made the point that he is often asked to consider the character of the area and the street scene, and he stated that should the application be approved and built out then, in his opinion, it would not be detrimental to the street scene because it would not be visible.


Mr Hall added that all consultees including Highways and Environmental Health support the proposal for a small bungalow in Flood Zone 1, which is located in the built-up form of Manea with no technical objections, and it has the support of the Parish Council.


Members asked questions, made comments, and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Benney stated that a recent meeting the committee approved a dwelling in what was considered to be a barn at number 22 and, in his opinion, the access to the current proposal to that of number 22 is better as that particular application had a driveway with patio doors which led out onto it. He added that was recommended for approval by officers and, in his view, it established the use of back land or tandem development. Councillor Benney stated that numbers 24 and 24a are tandem development and they are both located next to the proposal site so he does not agree with the reason for refusal and just because the District does not have tandem development, it does not mean that it is not needed. He expressed the view that it is a good solid application and he will support the proposal.

·         Councillor Marks stated that he agrees with the points made by Councillor Benney and added that when he undertook a site visit, he concluded that there is no direct line along that whole back boundary and there are a number of properties that have been built. He expressed the view it will make good use of the land and add a bungalow into use with a large garden. Councillor Marks made the point that there has also been a bungalow built at the end of Westfield Road and, therefore, he feels that the proposal is all within keeping of the village. He stated that there are a lot of large gardens in Manea which lend themselves to tandem development and he finds it interesting that the Parish Council have made no comment with regards to the proposal, however, they made comment on the previous application which is located more into the countryside which he feels speaks volumes.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that she agrees with the views made by both Councillor Benney and Marks, and she has noted that there are no objections from any of the statutory consultees.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Imafidon and agreed that the application be GRANTED against the officer’s recommendation with delegation given to officers to apply suitable conditions.


Members do not support the officer’s recommendation of refusal as they feel that the application will make a positive contribution to the local distinctiveness and character of the area, the fact that tandem development is already in place means that tandem development has already been established and it is bringing buildings back into use and delivers homes and for those reasons it outweighs the reasons for refusal.


(Councillor Benney declared that the agent has undertaken work for Chatteris Town Council and himself personally and the applicant is known to him, however, he has not met or socialised with him for many years, and he is not predetermined and will consider the application with an open mind)


(Councillor Marks declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on planning matters, that he is a member of Manea Parish Council but takes no part in planning. He further declared that he knows the owner of a neighbouring property to the application site on a professional business basis but he has not spoken to them regarding the application and remains open minded)

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