Agenda item

Land North of Cherrytree House, Fallow Corner Drove, Manea
Permission in principle for up to 5 x dwellings

To determine the application.


David Rowen presented the report to members.


Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Matthew Hall, the agent. Mr Hall referred to the officer’s summary which make the point that the site is relatively open in nature to the east which, in his opinion, is incorrect referring to the map displayed on the presentation screen which highlights the application site marked in red and whilst he agrees with the officer’s statement that to the north and the east of the site it is open Fen land explained that the site is surrounded by vegetation and residential development and the existing commercial business. He explained that on the site at present there are former pig sheds which have been on the site for 50 years and there are other sheds and outbuildings which have been on the site for at least 12 years, making the point that when you look at the map the site appears to be the last site along Fallow Corner Drove before it leads in to open Fen land.


Mr Hall referred to the photos on the screen and stated that in photo 3 it shows the eastern boundary and the vegetation which is to be maintained and then there is open Fen land, with photo number 4 showing the application site and boundary and then it steps into open Fen land. He made the point that there have been numerous applications passed in Fallow Corner Drove under the current Local Plan in the last ten years and there is one objection to the application which raises concern about the road, however, Fallow Corner Drove is used by farms and adjacent businesses and is a road adopted by the County Council.


Mr Hall explained that there is an existing access to the site which is going to maintained and widened out to allow two cars to be able to pass to the private driveway, with the Highway Authority having no objection to the proposal, and he explained that when reviewing photo number 4, a key point to consider is that the site, in his opinion, is just on the island of Manea as the road and land levels drop away by one metre. He made the point that when considering drainage, directly to the north of the site there is a riparian ditch and to the east and south there is also a riparian ditch where the existing treatment plant to the existing property discharges into, with a swale shown on the site plan which is indicative, however, it will be designed to greenfield run off rates so that the existing rate of surface water going into the ditches will not see an increase.


Mr Hall referred to the indicative layout and stated that the application is for four 5 bedroomed properties with large gardens, garages and access to them off of a private driveway. He added that the vegetation is being kept and will also see additional planting and he made the point that there have been no objections from the Environment Agency, Environmental Health or the Highways Authority, with Manea being a growth village.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:

·         Councillor Benney stated that he agrees that the land definitely falls away and, in his view, it is probably the last development that can be built in Fallow Corner Drove. He made reference to previous developments approved in Fallow Corner Drove in previous years and, in his opinion, it will be a lovely place to live, and the houses will enhance Manea. Councillor Benney added that the proposal will make good use of the land and whilst the application site is located within Flood Zone 3, there can be steps introduced to mitigate the flooding risk. He made the point that it is clear to see that the land falls away, with the flood maps being out of date and not correct. Councillor Benney expressed the view that it is a good application, and the homes are much needed in the area. He made the point that the lack of sequential test could be balanced out quite nicely with the need for local homes and local housing. Councillor Benney added that Manea is a growth village and he added that at the last meeting there was an application passed in Tydd St Giles which was also in Flood Zone 3 and, therefore, to remain consistent he will also support the application before the committee today.

·         Councillor Marks stated that he is the Ward Councillor for Manea, and made reference to the proposed site map and explained that if the map is expanded by a further 50 metres then it would display the straight road and also another property. He expressed the opinion that he does not think that the application site can be considered as the edge of Manea as the further property he referred to needs to be taken into consideration. Councillor Marks referred to the flooding episode that took place in Manea a few years ago and added that the flooding event was at least three quarters of a mile away from the application site, with it being at the other end of Fallow Corner Drove where it reaches Westfield Road, a planning application for a dwelling was approved and it stands at least a metre and a half above the ground, due to it being located in Flood Zone 3 and mitigation measures have been introduced. Councillor Marks expressed the opinion that the application makes good use of land, and he added behind the application site a few fields away, permission has been granted for 105 homes. He made the point that the proposed dwellings will be connected to cesspits and, therefore, will not impact the main sewers which, in his view, is a good thing for Manea. Councillor Marks stated that when considering the highway he is currently in discussion to get the roads improved especially when considering the number of new homes which have been approved or are coming forward in the area. He stated that he has considered the comments of the Parish Council who have stated that the site is outside of the development area, however, in his view, there is a further dwelling and whilst he agrees with the Parish Council’s view concerning the road surface not being properly maintained, that is not an issue related to the applicant as the responsibility lies with the County Council not filling in the potholes. Councillor Marks added that the Parish Council have also raised concerns with regards to drainage issues, however, in his view ,drainage problems can be mitigated against if any are identified. He stated that he will be supporting the application.

·         Councillor Purser stated that some of the other houses in the area are pretty impressive and having listened to the views of Councillor Marks, being the local Ward Councillor, he will support the proposal.

·         Councillor Imafidon stated that he has visited the site, and he will support the proposal. He added that it is a very nice area which has some very nice properties and although the Parish Council have stated that the site is outside of the development area, the access is by Cherry Tree House where the applicant lives. Councillor Imafidon made the point that the proposal makes very good use of the land and there are at least two further houses past the application site. He added that the proposal will enhance the village and he will support the proposal.

·         Councillor Mrs French stated that she appreciates that the application is a planning in principle (PIP) proposal, however, she does have concerns with regards to the dykes. She questioned whether a PIP application can be revisited if necessary to add conditions. Councillor Marks stated that he is a member of the Welney and Manea Internal Drainage Board and as far as he is aware there is no dyke in the vicinity of the application site which is maintained by that IDB but it will be the responsibility of the landowner to maintain it. David Rowen stated that Mr Hall had indicated that the ditches to the north and the east are riparian.

·         David Rowen explained that conditions cannot be added to a PIP application, and they would have to come in with a technical consent stage application and would have to include all the relevant details. He added that it effectively becomes the point where the details are assessed and where the conditions are imposed. David Rowen explained that at this stage the committee needs to consider whether the application is at an appropriate location for the nature, form and amount of the development.


Proposed by Councillor Benney, seconded by Councillor Imafidon and agreed that the application be GRANTED against the officer’s recommendation.


Members do not support the officer’s recommendation of refusal as they feel that the application site is within Manea and is not an elsewhere location, it is good use of land and is not development within the open countryside and that housing is needed which negates the requirement for the sequential test.


(Councillor Benney declared that the agent has undertaken work for Chatteris Town Council and himself personally and the applicant is known to him, however, he has not met or socialised with him for many years, and he is not predetermined and will consider the application with an open mind)


(Councillor Marks declared, in accordance with Paragraph 14 of the Code of Conduct on Planning Matters, that he is a member of Manea Parish Council but takes no part in planning matters. He further declared that he was approached by a property owner whilst undertaking a site inspection but did not take part in any discussion concerning the application)

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