Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
Contact: Jo Goodrum Member Services and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meeting of 6 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 6 March 2024 were signed and agreed as an accurate record. |
To determine the application. Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Peter Humphrey, the agent. Mr Humphrey stated that Murrow is classed as a small village under LP3 of the Local Plan with development of a limited nature and he made the point that the application is a resubmission of a previous refusal, with, in his view, the current application addressing all the previous reasons for refusal. He stated that the application will now have a new access point from The Bank and the property faces The Bank and the County Council have confirmed on 4 March that they have no objection to the proposal.
Mr Humphrey expressed the view that the application will finish off the development in the area to match the extent of development opposite and it uses the drain as a natural stop line for development as detailed within policies LP12 and LP16. He explained that he has had direct discussions with the North Level Internal Drainage Board and the drain is cut through land which is owned by the family and the drainage board wanted to create the new drain and the family gave permission for this to take place and the landowners are happy to work with the drainage board.
Mr Humphrey stated that the drain is currently maintained with access from Back Road, and he referred to the location plan where the drain access point can be identified. He added that the site is currently used for domestic garden area including polytunnels and, therefore, the site is not within open countryside or agricultural land and, in his opinion, the application will create a better view as you enter the village of Murrow from Parson Drove rather than the view of polythene tunnels of the rear elevation of Longways.
Mr Humphrey made the point that the Environment Agency have no objection to the proposal provided that the flood risk assessment measures are adhered to. He stated that at the time that the application was submitted to the Council on 22 June 2023, the site passed the sequential test and unfortunately as eight months have passed in order to determine the application, officers have now decided that it does not pass the sequential test as there is another plot available and he finds this disappointing.
Mr Humphrey explained that as agents they are not in control of when applications are going to be approved and he expressed the view that agents are then penalised and in this case the application was compliant at the time of submission. He referred to a Fenland District Council Application F/YR22/1187/FDC in Parson Drove which was for an almost identical application for a single plot which was also in Flood Zone 3 on the edge of the village and was approved within 7 weeks.
Mr Humphrey added that it had two plots approved in the village but were deemed irrelevant and he made the point that they also had to use a ... view the full minutes text for item P121/23 |
To determine the application. Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Shanna Jackson, the agent. Mrs Jackson stated that the application is for a barn conversion in Manea and the principle of development is acceptable in accordance with policy LP3. She explained that she has worked closely with officers to achieve the scheme before the committee which has a recommendation for approval.
Mrs Jackson explained that the character of the existing barn has been respected and all external alterations have been kept to a minimum and, therefore, the visual impact of the works will be negligible. She explained that the ground floor windows will be obscured by the existing and proposed boundary treatments and the proposed first floor windows which directly face neighbouring properties will also be obscure glazed.
Mrs Jackson stated that the officer’s report states that there will be no overlooking or loss of privacy as a result of the development. She expressed the view that the proposal will provide a generous garden and has ample parking and turning space and there have been no objections received from any statutory consultees including the Parish Council and the application is also acceptable in policy terms and she asked the committee to support the proposal.
Members asked Mrs Jackson the following questions: · Councillor Marks stated that the word reinstate has been used and, in his opinion, double glazed doors are not something which are reinstated, and he asked for clarification. Mrs Jackson stated that it has not been a house previously but there were existing openings there which are being reintroduced as part of the proposal. She referred to the front elevation drawing and explained that there is small amount of boarding that is being introduced to facilitate the door and the window next to it. · Councillor Gerstner asked for the detail with regards to bin collection arrangements. Mrs Jackson stated that she is unaware of the distance, however, the residents will be able to wheel the bins down the private driveway in order for them to be collected from the back edge of the highway. She referred to a previous appeal decision where it was discussed that if the bins need to be wheeled more than 30 metres then that is not something that would be supported by the Planning Inspector and she added that she is comfortable that adequate amenity is in place to comply with case law and the appeal decisions received. Councillor Gerstner stated that his concern is that he has seen other developments where bins can be left out early and collected days later after bin collection causing issues for pedestrians, wheelchair and pram users. Mrs Jackson made the point that nobody can control the behaviour of those residents and she added that all she can do is to ensure that there is space on the site for the bins to be stored which there is. · Councillor Connor questioned whether the applicant would consider entering into a ... view the full minutes text for item P122/23 |
To determine the application. Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report to members and drew their attention to the update report which had been circulated.
Members asked officers the following questions: · Councillor Marks stated that when reviewing the report it makes reference to ‘occupation’ and he asked whether officers could clarify whether there is the intention for the stable block to become living accommodation at any point in time as it appears to be a concern for some of the local residents? He questioned whether it is going to remain as agricultural and not have any form of occupation and then in time revert back to the Council on a technicality. Gavin Taylor stated that the application is for a stable and paddock land and there is no application for residential use. He explained that the application has to be assessed on the basis of what it is being applied for and no assumptions can be made and there is nothing to demonstrate that there is the intention of adding a dwelling on the site and, therefore, if any application came in for such or if it occurred unlawfully then officers would assess that on its merits at that time but currently the application is for the stable and paddock as described.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows: · Councillor Imafidon stated that when he undertook a site visit, he was approached by members of the public who voiced their concerns with regards to traffic movements and other issues. He expressed the view that he does not think that the application will have an adverse impact with regards to traffic movements due to the fact that it is a stable block and there will not be large HGV vehicles visiting the site. Councillor Imafidon made the point that the largest horse box he is aware of which carries a single horse is a 7.5 tonne vehicle. He expressed the opinion that he does not see any issues with the proposal and the application will make use of land which is not currently being used. Councillor Imafidon added that the site and ditch are all overgrown and there is currently no maintenance of the land and, in his view, it is a good application. · Councillor Mrs French expressed the view that she is extremely pleased that the Middle Level Commissioners have responded to the application, and she welcomes their input going forwards with applications. · Councillor Hicks stated that he knows that the residents have concerns that in time the stable block could be converted to a dwelling but, in his opinion, he does not see how the stable block could be converted as it has one room for hay and one for a horse and he cannot see how anyone would want to live somewhere like that anyway. He made the point that if the applicant had wanted to develop houses on the land in the first place then he would have expected the applicant to submit an application for houses in the first ... view the full minutes text for item P123/23 |
To determine the application. Minutes: Gavin Taylor presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure from Matthew Taylor, the agent and Richard Jones, the applicant. Mr Taylor stated that the officer’s presentation shows photographs which do not reflect the shed and show the material for the shed which has been covered for protection purposes. He explained that the framework was started a few months ago until it was realised that planning permission was required, and the tarpaulin covers the framework for all the walls, roof and slab base to protect it.
Mr Taylor explained that originally it did have a pitched roof on it, however, officers had advised that it would be too imposing on the street scene, so it has been revised to a flat roof. He explained that he has highlighted that parking in the vicinity is very bad and access for emergency vehicles is extremely poor, adding that the local Bowls Club is located there along with the local Public House which is busy, and the applicant is aiming to store one of his classic cars within the shed which will enable him to take one car off of the road and keep it on his driveway which will then free up space on the highway.
Mr Taylor explained that the flat roof is designed to sit slightly above the parapet wall and the view of the street scene at the side of the road all will be the visible top capping of a fibre glass roof which is likely to be a lead grey colour, a small amount of facia or gutter and the rest will be hidden behind the wall. He made the point that over the last 30 years there has been shed and greenhouses on the site and, in his view, planning permission should have been in place for those erections, however, that has not been the case and over the course of time sheds do need replacing and this is why the proposal is before the committee today.
Mr Jones stated that he moved into his property in 2002 and there have been structures in front of the property for 25 to 30 years which included 2 greenhouses and garden sheds of various sizes. He explained that he decided to erect a shed to house his classic car and motorcycle and he has been erecting sheds and replacing them with more substantial structures over the last 16 years and over that time there have been no complaints or objections from any neighbours from the passing public.
Mr Jones made the point that he cannot understand why the application to build a better garage style structure will have a detrimental effect on the Conservation Area or the buildings opposite. He explained that he decided last year to replace the timber shed with a more substantial better looking garage style structure and by moving it further down to the southern end of the garden in order not to impede the frontage ... view the full minutes text for item P124/23 |